Benefits Of Dried Oranges

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Benefits Of Dried Oranges

Oranges are gastric tonic and Carminative

Oranges are used for gentleness and beauty of the skin.

You can use dried oranges for a proper lean diet.

Decoction of dried orange leaves is useful for washing swelling and relieving pain.

Oranges and thin sheets between the oranges are the best medicine for lowering blood cholesterol.

It is a blood thinner and therefore the best way to eliminate facial pimples.

Orange is antidote, diuretic and emollient and anti-vomiting.

Orange prevents pancreatic cancer.

Eating oranges is antispasmodic and sedative.

Fruit peel in dried oranges contains more vitamin C per gram than fruit itself.

It also contains various antioxidants called flavonoids, such as antioxidants found in grapefruit, lemon and peel of tangerines and orages.

Bring the dried citrus peel into your diet and provide plenty of the vitamin C you need daily. This is why the use of dried citrus peel is useful in cooking.

You can use it in baking cakes and pastries , variety of syrups and tenderize meats like chickens, beef and fish, and of course in teas! There is no limit to how often you use these dried peels in your diet.

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